This site-specific immersive dance performance, created during the COVID lockdown in Brooklyn, explores the profound relationship between body, mind, and space. Through this performance, my body language transcends its physical limitations, transforming into an environment where my habits and shapes are projected into my space, interwoven with footage from the outside world. The performance reflects the unique circumstances of our present time—confined to our homes by an invisible force, we navigate a new reality, shaping a "new normal."
This new normal is defined by a constant duality: moments of intense creativity, connection, and productivity, contrasted with periods of emptiness, grief, and stillness. My body and mind seem to exist in different realities—my body isolated and motionless, while my mind races through the day, driven to create and to work.
This performance raises key questions:
Can I construct an immersive, choreographed world within my home to unify body and mind?
How can I express this world through light and movement?
Is it possible to bring the essence of the outside world into my space?
How can I deceive my mind into believing it’s outside, and what does that entail?
Can I represent the separation between the external world and myself through a specific medium?
What is my physical voice—my gestures and movements—within the constraints of confinement?
Can I alter the gestures and shapes my body creates through movement and choreographic techniques?
Through this performance, I explore the boundaries of my physical and mental existence, seeking to reconcile them through light, movement, and spatial transformation.